SECOR Submission Services


For 11 years we have been supporting our clients in submitting their SECOR package to maintain and achieve their certification. Our clients appreciate our service due to our efficiency and expertise that typically results in cost savings and better overall scores. There are 13 certifying partners authorized to issue you a Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR), however, most of our clients selected one of the following:

our steps in submitting your SECOR submission

To submit a successful SECOR package, we provide the following to you:

  • Go over the process with you

  • Collect and organize your SECOR submittal documents

  • Analyze your program and work with you to close any gaps

  • Fill out the required forms

  • Submit your package to maintain your SECOR

  • Resolve submittal issues with your certifying partner, if any

Please note that starting January 1, 2019 the audit protocol will change significantly due to the new updates to the OHS Act. Before your SECOR submission, you will need to update your health and safety management system accordingly in order to receive a passing score. Please contact us if you would like to receive assistance in closing the gap. For more information, see Alberta Government’s Highlights of OHS changes effective June 1, 2018.

We have experienced SECOR consultants who can help you maintain and achieve your SECOR. Please give us shout to talk to one of our SECOR consultants about our process.