WHAT IS A PRIME ESSENTIaL Approved Contractor?

If you’re seeing this page then you’re likely working with a Prime Essential Approved Contractor and they directed you here. We invite your to reach out to Prime Essential and verify their status. If you’re looking to engage the individual as an Independent Contractor, we will make a competitive payroll/invoicing solution available to you. We can provide this as low as 3%, if you engage the individual through their corporation Corporation as an Independent Contractor and refresh out checks to ensure their status remains compliant.

What Next?

Contact Wayne Walton, VP of Workforce Solutions to verify their status as a Prime Essential Approved Contractor and we’ll walk through the process with you:

+1 403 836 8810 | wwalton@primeessential.com

Need more Contractors?

Contract Hire is all about engaging the best person for the job as quickly as possible. Too often, we see organizations needing an SME yesterday! Sometimes one of our in-house team can, if not, then our in-house recruitment professionals can help you find one. Sometimes, the strategy is long-term and building a contingent workforce for a project requires planning. As an Outsourcing Partner, we tailor solutions to meet an organizations needs and sometimes even identify those needs for them.

Whether you’re unsure where to start or know exactly what to do, we invite you to start a conversation with us.


I’m sure you would agree, your business couldn’t function without strong processes and dedicated specialists to execute them. We have experienced recruitment professionals who truly understand their disciplines and the different industries they focus on, you won’t get frustrated spoon feeding us the basics. Working alongside our recruitment team are Industry Professionals ans SME’s who might be might be the solution provide you’re looking for. Our team, previously trusted by clients, from small Engineering Consultancies and Service Providers, through to some of the largest Energy, Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, EPC & Project Management Consultancy organizations in the world.

Our Contract Hire effective delivery standard is maintained by continually maintaining and growing our professional network. Often, it feels like we’re calling a friend and asking them to do the work you need them to do. The fuel for ‘this engine’ comes from Our Approach to Employee Search where each assignment is treated as a research project. A component of those projects is distinguishing between contractors and employees, meaning we’re constantly mapping out our contractor network. We might be being paid to find one person but really we’re searching for 100’s and collating information for future assignments. We’re told our approach to securing employees is unique, an approach designed to ensure you find the best fitting candidate to fulfill your job and that they stay long-term. We do this by bringing our years of experience, best practices, and tools. Once we’ve consulted with our clients key stakeholders to define our search, we then work to identify, attract and hunt out all possible candidates. Then, using our tools & technology to score and rank those candidates inline with criteria we identify with our clients when defining a search. It’s important to consider the largest pool of possible candidates, you’re only going to identify the best fit through making comparisons, with a criteria tailored to your search. This also facilities building a research pack to map candidate pools, understand salary benchmarks and make sure that you only invest your time with the top few percent best fitting candidates, that you’ll be able to secure.

OUR Audience

You might already have an organogram with the rest of your team penciled in. Please consider that you can’t make the best choice unless you have information on all of your options. We’ll look at your audience and give you access to ours, with information on thousands of industry or discipline specific professionals organized for you, who’s attention we’ve spent years capturing. Those individuals feed us the data and in some cases, enter it into our system themselves, so we can search and filter for specific experience quickly using our software that looks like this:

Imagine of search software

Finding the right experience is the easy part for us, it’s a blend of art and science to assess the perfect match and we train our people to do that. They’re all aware of the unconscious bias of the human condition and trained to set it aside to make effective decisions for you.

Our GuarAntee

We never fail because we never give up, our dedicated and meticulous approach means we’re likely to get it right first time. Although, rest assured, we know perfection is a process and remain accountable to see our assignment through to your satisfaction. Our commitment goes beyond an individuals first day in their new role, if our recommended individual don’t pass their probationary period or stay until the project is complete, then we’ll re-work your requirement. We also provide optional coaching to the worker to assist you in unlocking their full potential.


Wayne Walton, our VP Workforce Solutions would be delighted to here from you and can be called on +1 403 836 8810 or emailed at wwlaton@primeessential.com

Alternatively, Prime Essential, please submit you enquiry and we’ll be in touch with you.